Cloud mining a successful form of investment with passive income and minimal personal involvement and risk.

Cloud mining has become a popular way for people to mine BTC and other virtual assets. Instead of investing in expensive hardware, people can rent computing power from a cloud mining company like CMiner Private Limited and earn a share of the profits.

About 10 minutes - The average time for generating one BTC globally is about 10 minutes, but this applies only to powerful machines. The speed of mining depends on the type of BTC cloud mining hardware/rigs and technology employed. At CMiner Private Limited we use the state of the art machines for maximum efficiency.

To make a manual withdrawal, just log into your mining pool account and follow the instructions below:

Select your BTC on the CMiner Private Limited dashboard.

From your account dashboard click on "Withdraw".

Enter the amount you wish to withdraw.

There are 2.3 million BITCOINS left to be mined.

No, there is no withdrawal fee, nor any other hidden cost involved.

Simply register online to the www.cloudminergpt.com registration page, create an account, complete the KYC and make payment of the desired amount you feel which is suitable for you and that will enable you to be part of the Cloud Mining pool. Start earning your BTC from that moment onwards.

The user is basically buying Hash Rate power, which is the processing power of the machines used for mining. Basic selling unit of CMiner Private Limited Cloud Mining is 1 TH (TerraHash) , but you can buy unlimited units, but based upon availability of each projects hash rate power.

For more information you may contact us. Our expert support staff will be happy to assist you in your CMiner Private Limited BTC Cloud Mining requirements.